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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Shout out to pacman

Cancer free!!! Team O is sooooooo happy to hear the good news! We can't wait to celebrate when we are back.

-- Post From kmo's iPhone

When you don't have a bar, dance on the table

Every day we take to the boat around 4pm with our red Solo cups filled to the brim with wine and an iPod speaker freshly charged (via cigarette charger-- side note nils brought 3 of them) and head down the river or into the cove and bump the music up and dance at the highest point in the boat we can all reach.

Yesterday there was an interesting red wine spill onto Lauren courtesy of none other than muah ... Who is surprised by that?

Just wait for the pictures... Unfortunately we're currently living in the olden days now and don't have that thing they call the Internet.

-- Post From my iPhone

For those of you keeping score at home...

So far Lauren has dropped 2 bars of soap and a spoon into the lake. Dad has also dropped a pot while we were washing dishes in the dark (yes you read that right... We have wine x8 with dinner, eat and jam to music, then play follow-the-leader down the path to the water and all scrub the pots and pans from cooking in the dark...) betcha noone at this restaurant were at right now in lake plaid would guess we shower in a lake. Haha.

Tupper supper baby :)

Stephan-- wish you were here!

-- Post From my iPhone

Saturday, July 17, 2010

i'm still here. is anyone else? :)

I hope you all didn't give up on me. Some things in my life are starting to calm down so I'm getting back to the basics.... I mean ... blog :)

First things first, read these email exchange posted on this blog... even as a cat-hater, I love it:

I'm headed to our cabin in Tupper Lake next Thursday, in Georgetown class Monday and Tuesday and moving 3 days after I get back from vacation. So as much as i'll be trying to be good at blogging, I can't make too many promises until August I guess.

We'll see. Did you all miss me? If I know you did, I'll write more. and that's a promise.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

"You know what I hate? When people say all change is good. That's crap." -My professor

As my family would be delighted to tell you, I don’t really like change all that much. As long as it has taken me to admit it, I’ll agree that I resist change because it makes me feel anxious and uncomfortable to some degree. And you know what? That is totally normal. :) In fact, my Georgetown Change Management Advanced Certification program told me it was. Anyhow, I’m learning all about change in Booz’s latest venture with Georgetown University. You can learn more about that here:

So, at the risk of you thinking this is an academic write-up (it’s not) I thought I’d share some cool stuff after spending 11+hours there Monday and Tuesday. These are all pretty quick, cool things that you should look at: Did you know?
This is amazing. As an “STJ” (Myers-Briggs speak), I love data/numbers/details … so I thought this was really interesting. The world is changing faster than I can think.

And this, and only maybe a little bit :) because I was in Stockholm 2 weeks ago. How do you make people change? Here’s one idea… turn stairs into a piano.. Thefuntheory is a VW initiative. I love the concept.

I also got to have a formal dinner in the Riggs library at Georgetown. Really awesome little room with small staircases and ancient books galore. You can't really tell from the picture, but those are the floors and at the bottom is where we had dinner. Filet Mignon in there... obviously they've treated us really well. I'm excited to be part of the program. I'll graduate in November right before I turn 26!

I had an awesome professor today too (maybe the most captivating speaker I’ve ever heard) that in mocking our Booz Allen/government acronyms (he didn’t know who he was dealing with) he said we need to be more like Indiana Jones due to the shrinking ETBS. (ETBS = expected time between surprises) Haha. Our world today is, according to him, “more, better, faster” and we have to be able to predict what will come next. Shit happens, we need to deal with it and move on, so he said at least. Nice idea... in theory.

In line with More, Faster (I don’t know about better) there is Walmart. Check this out – It shows the progression of stores in the US. Insane! Also crazy to hear how Walmart deals with selling to any vendor who wants to put something on their shelf. They conduct the meetings all in Bentonville, Arkansas in a room without windows, coffee, or chairs. Sometimes they stand in there negotiating for over 6-7 hours. Wow.

Back to real work tomorrow but as much as that sounds like I've been relaxing for the past 2 days, I have been doing absolutely anything but.

K-something blonde.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

merry strasmus!!

I took the opportunity on Tuesday night to brave the borderline anxiety-disorder-provoking metro ride down to the ballpark. I had to see if the hype was really true about this strasburg kid. was he really the "baseball jesus?" Okay, fine, who am I kidding... I just wanted to be in on the excitement. And it was really awesome to be there with 41,000 other baseball/nationals/washington/excited fans. Seriously. The stadium was freaking packed. I was stoked.

My favorite part of the whole evening was how amazingly quiet the entire stadium got when Strasburg would throw a pitch. I can't imagine many things that could quiet 41k people. And that concentration and respect lasted through the whole 7 innings he was on the field. You couldn't quite hear a pin drop, but you could hear the baseball hit the mitt. You could also see that curveball. :)

All in all, I am so glad I was there to witness the future legend. 14 strikeouts. Not bad for his first night...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

i'm moving !!

so excited. put down my deposit for a studio condo in ballston. some of the perks are a rooftop pool, movie theater room, granite countertops, and GIGANTIC closet space.

that's one thing off my to-do list. wahoooo!